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Marriage Abroad / a birth certificate from Poland ?

Planning Your International Wedding? Don’t Forget About Your Polish Birth Certificate

Birth certificate from Poland, Civil Registry Office Poland, Documentation from the registry office in Poland, Marriage Abroad, Marriage certificate from Poland, Marriage records from poland, Office of the civil status in Poland, Polish Registry Office

Many people have Polish citizenship as well as the people who were born in Poland decide to marry abroad. What documents are required to a person who was born in Poland to get married outside of Poland ?

Before going to the registry office abroad, you need to get some very important documents in Poland that will be necessary in the future. The most important document is the birth certificate of the Polish citizenship. Our experience says that some registry offices abroad require international birth certificate from Poland, so it means you no longer need to translate it into a foreign language. From the other hand some registry offices abroad require the complete birth of the Polish translated by a sworn language.

What more, in the most cases a birth certificate must be certified by an Apostille clause of Polish !

Subsequently, following documents are required: a certificate of capacity to marry abroad, certificate of arrival, identity card or passport.

In the case of divorced: final divorce decree, certificate in accordance with Art. 39, an act (from the first) marriage outside the Polish annotation of divorce.

Transcription, Registration of foreign birth certificates, marriage certificates or death certificates in a Polish registry office.

Transcription is carried out in the offices of the civil status in Poland.

The process of transcription is available not only for Polish citizens but also for citizens of other nationalities who got married abroad and want to register their marital status in Poland. If you are in this situation, our law firm can help you with the transcription process, even if you are unable to travel to Poland. You should submit the following documents:

– the original copy of the marriage certificate, eg. on the international printing / or in a foreign language with a sworn translation into Polish;

– attach the original Polish copies of the complete or abridged birth certificates of spouses.

If one of the spouses was not born in Poland, you need to attach a birth certificate, eg. international document / (transcription of the marriage is also possible without a birth certificate, but the Polish marriage certificate will not be complete, it is so-called: no data about the parents of a spouse).

Marriage certificate from Poland, An abridged copy of the marriage certificate from Poland, Extract from marriage registration from Poland

Marriage certificate from Poland, An abridged copy of the marriage certificate from Poland, Extract from marriage registration from Poland

If you’re planning to get married abroad, obtaining the necessary documents from the Polish Civil Registry Office can be a complicated process. Our law firm has extensive experience in handling such matters and can help you obtain Your birth certificate from Poland. We can also assist you in registering your foreign new marriage certificate in the Polish registry. Contact us today via the form below.

“If needed, to speed up the process, we can also provide you with a German correspondence address, allowing you to quickly and easily send us all the necessary documents!”

Am Wiesengrund 52, 17321 Löcknitz, Germany

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