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Acquisition of Polish citizenship by descent, documents from Polish state archives

Issues related to Polish citizenship and documents from Polish state archives. Acquisition of Polish citizenship, with few exceptions, occurs on the basis of the principle of blood. This means that it is acquired by birth, based on descent from Polish parents. However, it sometimes becomes necessary to confirm acquired citizenship, which requires the use of […]

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Issues related to the process of obtaining Polish citizenship and civil status records from Poland

Civil Status Records from Poland: A Crucial Aspect of Polish Citizenship Matters In matters related to Polish citizenship, civil status records play a crucial role. The activities related to these records are carried out by the head of the civil status office or their deputy. What are civil status records? Civil status records consist of […]

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Blood right versus acquisition of Polish citizenship – Getting Polish Citizenship

What are the ways to acquire Polish citizenship ? Every person who is a Polish citizen is entitled to a range of fundamental rights, although this of course also entails certain obligations. In our country, membership in the nation is shaped by the so-called blood right. In some countries, citizenship is determined by the so-called […]

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Confirmation of possession or loss of Polish citizenship

Confirmation of Polish citizenship Were you born abroad and have ancestors who had Polish citizenship? It is possible that you are a citizen of the Republic of Poland yourself. The main method of acquiring Polish citizenship is by being born to parents of which at least one of has Polish citizenship. This is regardless of […]

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