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How can you obtain an international death certificate from Poland ? – Apply online

Need Assistance Obtaining Civil Status Documents from Poland? Contact Us for Help.

International death certificate Poland, Obtain international death certificate from Poland, Copy of international death certificate from Poland, Getting international death certificate from Poland, Obtaining international death certificate from Poland

Multi-language / international copies of civil status acts from Poland for example Multi-language copy of the death certificate / International abridged copy of the death certificate from Poland have the same value as extracts issued Polish prints and are recognized without the need for legalization or equivalent formality and without the need for additional translations on the territory of each State, relating to Convention No. 16 in the following countries:

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey, Slovenia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania and Bulgaria.

Legalization or Apostille is a confirmation that a Polish document is authentic and has been issued by an authorized Polish institution in accordance with the law.

The international copies of civil status acts from Poland can be obtained based on: ‘Convention No. 16 signed at Vienna on 8th of September 1976. about obtaining multilingual extracts from civil status acts (Journal from Laws from 2004. No. 166, item. 1735)’

International civil status act copies, such as the international death certificate from Poland, indicate the information about death; the international marriage certificate from Poland indicates information about marriage, and the international birth certificate from Poland indicates information about birth. These multilingual copies are recognized without the need for legalization or equivalent formality, and without additional translations on the territory of countries that are parties to Convention No. 16.

International death certificate from Poland

International death certificate from Poland

Multilingual, international abridged copies of the death certificate from Poland – how to obtain it ? – Apply online 

What information is available on a multilingual, international abridged copy of the death certificate from Poland ?

The official formula of the international abridged copy of the death certificate from Poland contains the following information:

Page One
1. State;
2. Civil Registry Office of;
3. Extract from death registration no;
4. Date and place of death;
5. Name;
6. Forenames;
7. Sex;
8. Date and place of birth
9. Name of the last spouse
10. Forenames of the last spouse;
11. Father;
12. Mother;
13. Other Particulars of the registration;
14. Date of issue, signature, seal;

Page Two
On the other side of the multilingual / international abridged death certificate from Poland are explained individual symbols in other languages.

If you have any questions or need assistance obtaining an international abridged copy of a death certificate from Poland / death certificate from Poland, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can also help you with obtaining other civil status documents from Polish registry offices.

“If needed, to speed up the process, we can also provide you with a German correspondence address, allowing you to quickly and easily send us all the necessary documents!”

Am Wiesengrund 52, 17321 Löcknitz, Germany

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